How to adress and print an envelope in word 2010
How to adress and print an envelope in word 2010

If Word guesses incorrectly, then the envelope may not print correctly, if at all. When printing envelopes, Word needs to be concerned with where that relatively small piece of paper (the envelope) is located in the feed tray and what its orientation is.

#How to adress and print an envelope in word 2010 driver

Next, check to make sure your printer driver matches your printer. Check out what is in the document-in the added envelope-and you may be able to get the problem figured out.

how to adress and print an envelope in word 2010

Perhaps it is really there, but the font is in some color (such as white) that your printer cannot print. Is the delivery address missing? Perhaps it is moved someplace that is not printable on your printer. Once the envelope is added to the document, check it out to see if it shows the same problems. Once you get the problem ironed out, you can again print directly to the printer.) (Adding the envelope to the document is a troubleshooting step only. The idea is to see what Word adds to the document, just to see if it looks right. Instead, add the envelope to your document. A good first step is to not print your envelopes directly to the printer. Trying to track down envelope-printing problems can be a challenge. The return address prints in the expected location on the envelope, but the delivery address is completely missing.

how to adress and print an envelope in word 2010

When he prints that envelope, however, the delivery address does not print at all.

how to adress and print an envelope in word 2010

When he displays the Envelope & Labels dialog box to print an envelope, Word correctly picks up both addresses and places them in the proper places in the dialog box. John has a business letter that includes both a return address and a delivery address.

How to adress and print an envelope in word 2010